9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi

Another Update

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Since Chelsea is approaching her 18th birthday in August, this seemed to be an appropriate time for another update. She continues to thrive in ways I could never have imagined. She went to a school dance with a young man; she looked so beautiful in her dress. She has learned to speak very clearly and her behavior is nearly perfect. She looks healthy and happy, and I know she is loved. We got together with our extended family and held a swim party for her and then out for dinner. We all had a great time and got lots of Chelsea-hugs. I miss her every day, but I know that she is so much better off with her foster mom. Just because I love her with all my heart does not mean that I am capable of giving her the best care, I clearly was not. There are times I feel guilty for turning her over to her foster mom, but then I just think about how well she is doing. She is so much better off now, and no matter how much I miss her, I have to remember that I did it for her best interest. Bottom line - not everyone has what it takes to raise such a special child, and I readily admit I don't have what it takes to do it right. Some folks (who obviously didn't have a real high opinion of me) had indicated that they thought my life would continue to be miserable even if I didn't have Chelsea, I guess they were insinuating that being a tired, depressed, bitter person was just my nature and Chelsea was my excuse. I can admit that the first year after she left was pretty bad. I was still depressed, my marriage still in trouble, and my finances in an even deeper hole than before. Add to that the guilt I felt for having failed to be strong enough to take care of Chelsea, and it was a pretty rough road that I wasn't sure I would come back from. Over time, however, life has gotten better. I've adjusted to life without her, I have been in counseling since she left, and I have started to live like a normal middle aged woman. It just took awhile to find out what that even meant. I have just gotten to the point where I feel okay about running to the store late at night, there's still that little tiny bit of feeling like I can't do that. I never experienced any burst of a sudden sense freedom, just a laboriously slow return to something close to normal. Finally, we are happy, and Chelsea is happy. And after all, wasn't that the point?

Noah's first tooth and bath time!

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Noah got his first tooth!!! 
Noah had a fever all Memorial Day weekend.  The doctor wouldn't see him because he had no other symptoms.  The poor guy was miserable.  We ended up taking him to the ER Sunday night because he was uncontrollably crying and had a high fever; they said it was a lingering cold.  Everyone kept saying, "maybe he's teething"  Well, I've heard "maybe he's teething" every single time he got a fever and Noah never got a tooth.  He's always chewing on things, not drooling so I passed it off.  I wasn't sure if Noah was ever going to get teeth!  Then on Memorial Day the tiny little nub of a tooth poke through!  It's only been a week and I can already see the whole top of his tooth.  Poor guy's gums are red and look sore but he's been a trooper since that weekend.  I want to get a picture, but his tongue is always in the way and he does not like you to pick it up to look at his gums, thank you very much!  So someday soon I'll get a picture hopefully!

TJ loves Noah so much.  He is always hugging him and kissing him and asking where he is.  And now that Noah can sit up really well on his own, we are able to allow TJ to take baths with Noah.  (Also a good lure to get TJ to want to take a bath!)  They were so cute the other day I had to take pics!

I'm sorry but these two are just too cute!

Look at that smile!

TJ loves hugging his baby brother

And kissing him!

Noah loves it too!

OMG, how precious!


Having fun!

More hugs!

"Yeah Noah!!"

Love this picture

Look at those smiles!

Love them!

Yep, more really cute pictures!

TJ's a good big brother!

Had to add daddy and Noah taking naps!
 Notice Noah's left sock off, he pulls just that one off all the time!

ARC Bike/Hike

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Bike/Hike at Roche Park
Today me, Noah and TJ participated in the Bike/Hike to help raise money for the ARC of Crawford County.  Our Down Syndrome Support group is under the ARC's umbrella and they have really supported us so we wanted to show our support back.

 "The Arc of Crawford County advocates for the rights of citizens who have intellectual disabilities, enhancing their lives by promoting maximum independence and affording them opportunities for enrichment in their communities."

It was a great day; sunny, 80 degrees, lots of people and good food!  Plus Roche Park has a great playground for kids and TJ made some new friends!  I tried to put Noah in a swing, but he didn't like it too much.  It was too big for him and he flopped around in it.  

Noah started crying after this picture, he was NOT happy!

TJ was hungry!

Too cuties waiting for food and talking with friends

Whew!  Too much fun!


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Noah hasn't been to the audiologist in a year and our Speech Therapist keeps asking (telling) me to make an appointment, so I finally did and we went yesterday.  Audiology appointments are never fun.  Noah either has to be awake or asleep.  Get things put in his ears.  And the little sound proof room is like 100 degrees! (btw, they told us to have him awake but when we got there they wanted him asleep!  Nice)

So we took him and he did ok responding to sounds to each side of him.  The audiologist would say something in a speaker to one side of him and if he looked she would make a little animal dance with lights to reinforce him.  After about 10 or 15 minutes he got cranky and it was getting hot.  So we took a break while he ate his bottle for a few minutes then she wanted to try to put the sensors in his ears to see if his eardrums were moving.

Noah did not like that AT ALL.  He started screaming!  She said we could restrain him.  I said no....no way am I restraining my son and watching him scream.  So I held him and held his arms down so he didn't rip out the ear "things" and put his head against mine so he couldn't move it.  We finally got a reading on the right ear, it was good. The reading on the left ear was "flat".  She said that is not good, however she wasn't sure she got a good reading with him screaming and moving around.  Noah and I were both sweating at this point, his face was soaked with sweat and tears.  So we took another break while I stood up and bounced him (still in the inferno of a room).

She wanted to try the sound reaction again but Noah was still recovering from crying and wasn't really paying attention so we ended the appointment.  She wants us to come back in 3 months to make sure there is nothing wrong and hopefully they were just bad readings.  So...to be continued!

My baby asleep in his crib.   Arms under him, butt in the air!

All I want for Christmas...

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I picked up Noah from Daycare yesterday and they said, "Did you know Noah has two top teeth?"  What?!  No!  Yeah, apparently he bit one of the ladies there and it felt like more than one tooth!  Sure enough he has two canines coming in!  Noah's gonna be missing his two front teeth, the little cutie! :)  I would get a picture but he barely lets me even look in his mouth to see his teeth so a picture may be a while!

We also went to a picnic for the fourth and I was looking forward to having Noah see the bright lights of the fireworks.  When the first one went off he was drinking from a bottle and he stopped drinking and looked at it.  Then the second one went off.  It was a lot louder.  He looked stunned then his face wrinkled up and he just stared bawling!  So I picked him up and covered his ears and three more when off.  He jumped at each one and screamed!  At that point I headed straight for the car while John got our stuff together.  So much for fireworks!  And he was asleep before we even pulled away!

Fun at grandmas!

8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Word of the day: crashworthiness

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During my time working on B2B transport mags and now websites, I've come across some interesting transport-related words. 'Crashworthiness' is one of my favourites.

According to Wikipedia:

Crashworthiness is the ability of a structure to protect its occupants during an impact. This is commonly tested when investigating the safety of vehicles.

The OED online gives:

The quality in an aircraft or motor-vehicle that makes it safer in the event of a crash. So crashworthy a.

Its first quotation is from the Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society in 1948. Interesting that three of the OED's four quotations put crashworthiness in inverted commas.

A quick Google search brings up a publication called the International Journal of Crashworthiness - what a great title. It dates back to 1996.

What do you call it when... someone's visual identity is unknown?

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This query has been emailed into The Engine Room:

Is there a word which means that a person's visual identity is unknown? For example, the West End Whingers are often referred to as "anonymous" as people don't know what they look like. However, they are not anonymous as they really are called Phil and Andrew [the names given on the WEW website]. Is there a word for use in these circumstances?

Well, 'anonymous' comes from the Greek for 'nameless', whereas Phil and Andrew, I suppose, are faceless rather than nameless. However the OED defines faceless as "remote and impersonal", which isn't really what we're driving at. And whether it's true of the West End Whingers I wouldn't like to say!

Lots of other 'in-' or 'un-' words also spring to mind, such as 'incognito' or 'undisclosed', but none of them seem quite right. I imagine we're looking for another 'a-' word.

Any suggestions?

I demand a recount

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The Engine Room didn't make it into bab.la and Lexiophiles' list of the 'Top 100 Language Blogs 2010', but if you voted for us then thank you.

Although the list is dominated by teaching and translation blogs (which usually hold no great interest for me), a few of my favourite blogs are present - including Fritinancy and Sentence first. Well done!

I'm going to propose to Sentence first that we form a coalition and introduce the alternative vote system. In the meantime, do check out this year's top 100.

A tree is something resembling a tree

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Unlikely as it sounds, I recently got involved in a drunken discussion on the difference between a tree, a bush and a plant.

I Googled 'tree' on my smartphone and one of the first definitions I came across was:

Something constructed in the form of, or considered as resembling, a tree, consisting of a stem, or stock, and branches; as, a genealogical tree.

That's from the 1913 edition of Webster's.

Now I'm sober, I understand what the definition is driving at - that 'tree' is sometimes used metaphorically (or perhaps I mean analogously?).

But I have to say that defining a tree as something "in the form of... a tree" does not help resolve drunken arguments. And really, what else are dictionary definitions for?

What JD did next

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So I haven't written anything here on The Engine Room since last summer. That's because I've been working on a new site, Cathedral City Guide.

Why? Well, I was keen to build something in WordPress; my day job had moved almost totally away from subbing; and I wanted a new challenge. Most of all, my partner and I had visited half a dozen of England's medieval cathedral cities and we felt that collectively they deserved a website of their own.

I probably won't be updating The Engine Room in the foreseeable future but equally I'm not going to delete it. Thanks for all your photos, comments and emails - they were much appreciated.

Feel free to visit me at Cathedral City Guide or @cathedralcities on Twitter.