9 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi


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Noah hasn't been to the audiologist in a year and our Speech Therapist keeps asking (telling) me to make an appointment, so I finally did and we went yesterday.  Audiology appointments are never fun.  Noah either has to be awake or asleep.  Get things put in his ears.  And the little sound proof room is like 100 degrees! (btw, they told us to have him awake but when we got there they wanted him asleep!  Nice)

So we took him and he did ok responding to sounds to each side of him.  The audiologist would say something in a speaker to one side of him and if he looked she would make a little animal dance with lights to reinforce him.  After about 10 or 15 minutes he got cranky and it was getting hot.  So we took a break while he ate his bottle for a few minutes then she wanted to try to put the sensors in his ears to see if his eardrums were moving.

Noah did not like that AT ALL.  He started screaming!  She said we could restrain him.  I said no....no way am I restraining my son and watching him scream.  So I held him and held his arms down so he didn't rip out the ear "things" and put his head against mine so he couldn't move it.  We finally got a reading on the right ear, it was good. The reading on the left ear was "flat".  She said that is not good, however she wasn't sure she got a good reading with him screaming and moving around.  Noah and I were both sweating at this point, his face was soaked with sweat and tears.  So we took another break while I stood up and bounced him (still in the inferno of a room).

She wanted to try the sound reaction again but Noah was still recovering from crying and wasn't really paying attention so we ended the appointment.  She wants us to come back in 3 months to make sure there is nothing wrong and hopefully they were just bad readings.  So...to be continued!

My baby asleep in his crib.   Arms under him, butt in the air!

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