20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

Pulling to kneel

Noah has recently started to pull himself up to kneel!  It's great!  And now that he knows how to do it, he does it all the time whether to an activity table, in his crib, in the bath or on me!  I love it!  I am working with helping him go from kneeling to stand when he is in that position and he does it pretty good, except he stands on his tippy toes!

Pulling up to kneel on his crib and TJ played along

Grandma had Noah standing, which he loves, to play

Kneeling at his activity table
Kneeling in tub.  He also loves to be on his belly in the tub now!

How cute is he?!

Noah wanted some of my Chipoltes!

Noah is a Mac-y, just like me!
I have to bribe him with this Ipad when I'm working on my Mac!

One thing about Noah now being able to pull himself up to kneel, he falls sideways sometimes.  He's getting better at it but last week I think he had three "Incident Reports" from daycare because he fell over and banged his head on something!  Poor little guy!

Noah still "army" crawls, which means he uses his hands and pushes with his feet on the ground.  He used to go to his hands and feet a lot so I thought he might start crawling like that but since he's learned to kneel, he has stopped doing that.  The teachers at Noah's daycare though did report that they saw him on his hands and knees and shuffle his knees forward a little like he was trying to crawl!  I haven't seen it yet.  However the good thing about Noah pulling himself up to the kneeling position is that he does have to shuffle his knees to get closer to whatever object he's pulled himself up to; it's teaching him that alternating motion.  So maybe he will crawl?!

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