31 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Coats and boots to mental institution

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What an absolute honor and joy it is to be able to share some amazing blessings with you all!

 We were able to provide winter coats and winter boots to girls in mental institution!

Sweet children have been given the best gift ever not just in this season of holidays but their life!
 We trusted and prayed.We stretched our faith to believe that God can provide all necessary funds that bless all these precious souls in their needs.
 By the grace of a merciful God, who loves orphans passionately.
With help of 2 wonderful Christian organizations,Ten for Orphans and Grace Haven Ministries who helped to raise $2000. Also thanks to the Little Colonel Doll Collectors Club of Kentucky and every single of you, BOM raised $400 and as we had a little more $235,as I said you before here.All funds came in during the first 10 days or so!
 We could buy not to 40 orphans amazing blessings but 41!Praise God!

 We are all called to love
 We are called to care
We are called to bring a joy
 We are called to help in different needs
 and just make a smile
 But we couldn't make without your help and participation in this project.
  Thank you VERY MUCH to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the orphaned girls!
 Thank you, for hearing the voice of the Lord calling you to bless these precious souls.
 Your answer brought so much delight, joy and even kisses of these sweet children :)

 Your hearing the voice of Jesus Christ, brought just amazing and huge blessing to mental institution!
 I love how Nina helped her friend.
 Such a lovely moment :)

 We are so grateful to everyone of you to help bring such beautiful blessings
and  made children happy!

We are so grateful and are humbled by your love poured out so generous!THANK YOU!!!
"The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself."
                                                                                         (Proverbs 11:25)KJV
Please keep sharing and pray about our current project.It is LIFE CHANGING! We have less than four days to raise necessary funds!

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