7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe


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We had an audiology appointment for Noah last week.  We were supposed to go back after 3 months from the last appointment but we procrastinated and it ended up being 6 months in between.  Audiology appointments are just plain not fun.  Noah cries and screams; we sweat and bounce him.  Ugh.

This appointment did not go as badly.  However, this is the first time he got below-normal ranges.  I stood and held him while they would call his name from one corner of the room to another to get his attention.  They also used lights and dancing animals.  He did ok...not great.  Then he got fussy so we gave him a bottle, changed his diaper and let him crawl around.

Back at it, the worst part-they stick these things in his ears and it has to stay there to get a reading.  It measures the amount of movement in his ear drum.  But if Noah is crying and screaming (like he usually is with those things in his ears), they fall out and we have to start over.  And over and over.  By the 5th time, Noah was all of a sudden, calm and we were able to get a good reading. (Iphone apps in his face to help distract him really helped!) There was very little movement.  The audiologist said that tells her there is fluid in his ears.  He has a cold.  She said the cold is probably affecting his hearing due to the fluid.  So alas, we must go back in 3 weeks!!

My little man!

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