13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

The Digital Mom Handbook

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Can you make money blogging? You bet! Audrey McClelland of Momgenerations.com and Colleen Padilla, of Classymommy.com are proof of it. Theirsuccessfully monetized sites gave way to their book TheDigital Mom Handbook, recently published by Harper Collins.
In a no-frills down to earth tone, these real-life moms tellhow they started posting to an audience of one: their own mother or mother inlaw, and gradually built their respective audiences until they started gettingswag – free products for review, trips and other incentives – and, eventually,paid advertisers.
They never promise that mom bloggers can monetize theirblogs overnight and become success stories like themselves, and they do statethat they made 0 dollars in their first years of posting daily – sometimesseveral times a day!
Some of their tips:
-      Blog about your passion-      Be consistent-      Find your tribe, aka make friends with otherbloggers-      Remember the kids, aka don´t get swallowed bythe black hole that is the Internet-      Have fun!
This book is not only for mom bloggers, but also for anywoman who would like to start a blog and monetize it but has no idea how to go about it. 
Follow me on Facebook or Twitter.Diario del Éxito (SuccessDiaries) will be published in book form late in 2011 by ediciones Obelisco.To read about my books: www.lorrainecladish.com

Communism and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Phillippe Diederich

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Passion and attention to detail beget art. Communismand the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, is the result of a photojournalist’s drive to capture thedetail of the lives of Cuban Harlistas– Cuban Harley-Davidson bikers – in Havana, in the 90’s.
The essay describes the dusty yet rich subculture of Harlistas makingdo with every-day materials to build their bike parts to fix and customizevintage Harleys. The pictures in black and white describe the world of a uniquesubculture that Cuba and vintage Harley-Davidson fans will enjoy.
The photographs were exhibited in the Southeast Museum of Photographyat Daytona Beach under the title of ¡Harlista!Motorcycle Culture in Cuba Today.Communism andthe Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is also published in the Traveler’sTales Anthology, Cuba, available at Barnes&Noble and other outlets.
Vintage poster of exhibit
Phillippe Diederich spent fifteen years working as a photojournalist,covering news and events in the U.S. and Latin America for national andinternational publications such as TheNew York Times, Time Magazine andThe Atlantic.
His essays, short stories and journalism have been published in The Miami New Times, Cigar Aficionado and The Houston Literary Review. He nowteaches photography at Ringling College of Art and Design and is workingtowards an MFA in writing, while writing fiction.
Communism and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is now available on Kindle, by Six Volts Publishing, and soon on Ibooks (Itunes). Design and Layout by Barbara Gillespie.
If you enjoy this blog follow meon Facebook or Twitter.Diario del Éxito (Success Diaries) will be published in book form late in2011 by edicionesObelisco. To read about my books: www.lorrainecladish.com

Susie Wang - 100% Pure, 100% Success

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It’snot easy to find skin care products that agree with your skin and your senses. It’s even moredifficult to find reasonably priced natural skin care that will accomplish thelatter. After testing some of the 100% Pure brand skin care products, I washooked.
Also,it was obvious that care was taken to provide the user with plenty ofinformation on the products on the company website, and that it was more thanjust a business. I wanted to know who was behind the brand with the subtlenatural scents and pretty packaging, whose message resonated with a passion.  
Susie Wang, thefounder of 100% Pure, took the timeto answer my questions.
Susie Wang
Thisis why she launched her own skin care line in 2005, based on natural products:
LCL- When, how and why did youfound 100% Pure?
SW- During college I invented away to stabilize natural ingredients from oxidizing in skincare products so Ipatented the process.  Some of the world's largest cosmetic companiesasked me to formulate and develop products for them.  This was my dreamjob, so I put school on hiatus and began working on formulas and productdevelopment for some of the world’s largest cosmetic companies.  It wasduring this time when I learned of the dangers of some chemicals incosmetics.  One day in the lab, I accidentally spilled a chemical onto thelab table and it literally warped the hard plastic lab counter.  I laterdiscovered a lot of the chemicals are toxic and cancer causing.  That'swhen I decided to launch a healthy, pure, nourishing line that's much betterfor women than the harsh chemical alternatives.
LCL- What have been yourgreatest challenges and how have you overcome them?
SW- The biggest challenge hasbeen hiring the right people. In the beginning, I didn't know how to hirewell and I have had some really strange employees.  I have sinceimplemented background checks on everyone and have made it mandatory for my fiancé,who is also my business partner, to have to approve as well. 
LCL- What are the biggestrewards that 100% Pure has given you?
SW- Being honest to women – helpingthem not pollute their skin, their blood stream and instead, nourishing them. Andthat we have the resources to help animals.
LCL- What is in your bucketlist?
SW- One day, I’d like to launchan animal sanctuary to help animals that nobody wants, where they can live andhave a good life.  I would also love to see more of the world.  I'vebeen to many places in Asia and Europe but I'd love to see Africa, the Amazon,India, Australia and South America.
LCL- What would you say toothers who would like to realize their own dream?
SW- I would highly encourage it!There is nothing more rewarding than to do what you love.  It's worse tolive your whole life and not even try to achieve your dream.  It'sbetter to at least try.
My 100%Pure picks:
I’vesampled a few of 100% Pure productsfor a while now and here are my personal favorites:
SkinBrightening Collection – Great for reviving dull skin. The foaming cleanser is soft andenergizing, the scrub+mask is an instant pick-me-up and the night balm isnourishing and calming. Tip: warm the night balm by rubbing your fingerstogether and then apply. It has a thick consistency and needs to be usedsparingly. I am in love with this line.
OrganicCucumber Eye Cream Gel – I love the scent, the consistency and that it has twice as muchin the bottle as your regular eye cream. It brightens the eye area but isabsorbed quickly.
BloodOrange Body Butter – Another top pick. The scent is energizing without beingoverpowering. The consistency is thick and also needs to be warmed with yourhands before applying. It feels nourishing and gives skin a healthy glow. 
FruitPigmented Luminescent Powder – Somewhere between a bronzer and a blush it gives justenough luminescence to brighten your complexion without looking overdone. Loveit!
Fruit Pigmented LipCreamsticks – Chubby lip pencils that double up as liners. Velvety feeling,soft tone and feel moisturizing. Convenient and time-saving.
Topurchase 100% Pure in the US: www.100percentpure.com
Topurchase 100% Pure in Europe:www.100percentpure.eu

If you enjoy this blog follow me on Facebook or Twitter. Read my articleson Mamiverse.Diario del Éxito (SuccessDiaries) will be published in book form late in 2011 by ediciones Obelisco. Toread about my books: www.lorrainecladish.com

5 Steve Job Quotes that Impacted My Life

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I had a different blog post in mind for today, but yesterday Steve Jobsdied. I cried. Whether he was philanthropist or not, had affairs or children out of wedlock - he stayed true to his vision, which is something few people do. There are the complainers and blamers, and there are the doers and shakers. I like to think I belong to the second group. He certainly did. I'm glad he lived to see his Vision come true. 
I can’t say anything he didn’t say better, so in tribute to The Visionary of our times,here are some of his best quotes on life. 
"For thepast 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'Iftoday were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to dotoday?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, Iknow I need to change something."
"You can’tconnect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. Youhave to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Thisapproach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in mylife."
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I'veever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almosteverything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassmentor failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving onlywhat is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best wayI know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You arealready naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. ... Stay hungry.Stay foolish."
n  StanfordUniversity commencement address, June 2005. (All of the above)
“I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good,then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long.Just figure out what’s next.”[NBC Nightly News, May 2006]
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels,the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes ... the ones who seethings differently -- they're not fond of rules, and they have no respect forthe status quo. ... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilifythem, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they changethings. ... They push the human race forward, and while some may see them asthe crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to thinkthat they can change the world, are the ones who do."[Apple’s 1997 Think Different Campaign]
I may not be a visionary as he was, but I’ve followed mycalling for the past twenty years, as a writer and a communicator, despitethose who told me it wouldn’t pay the bills and that I needed to get a “real”job. I´m glad I didn´t listen. 
I’m a misfit, I’m a crazy one, a rebel. Writing is paying the bills, although I don´t do it for the money. Writing is my passion. It gives me the sense that I could die feeling I made a difference, howeversmall. At least in that sense, so far I´ve life on my own terms, and I intend to keep it that way. 

RIP Steve Jobs. 
If you enjoy this blog follow me on Facebook or Twitter. Read my articles on Mamiverse.Diario del Éxito (Success Diaries) will be published in book form late in 2011 by ediciones Obelisco.To read about my books: www.lorrainecladish.com

4 Strong Latina Moms that Inspire

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As much as I enjoy being recognized for my work, it is a far greater pleasure to be able to showcase other strong, creative and determined women. If I’m having an out of sorts day, knowing I made someone else’s, through something I wrote about them, is a better mood enhancer than any happy pill.
In Mamiverse, the place for Latina moms, you can read my pieces on some of the special women I’m fortunate to be able to shine the lights on. They have all overcome odds in one way or another, and turned a challenge into an opportunity to grow and pursue their dreams. Thank you for being such an inspiration, and keep on keeping on!
Eliana Tardio, mami of two children with Down syndrome, raises awarenessWhile most people complain over petty things, Eliana makes being the mom of two children with Down syndrome seem easy. I’ve never heard her complain about trips to the hospital or having to juggle work and motherhood.
Latina mami  Lisana Falcon left law school to become a successful designerLisana’s jewelry is a reflection of who she is and where she’s from. She enrolled in Law school to appease her family but eventually followed her dream. It’s not easy to go against the grain, especially when you have kids to tend to.
Aymee Rodriguez-VanDyke was wiped out by the recession and baked her way back to successAymee literally lost it all to the recession: marriage, business, money, investments, her house … And yet she is an upbeat mom who rebuilds her life every single day. She is a doer, and she’s doing it her way, with her Wacky Cookie company. She involves her son in all she does. 
Monica Kennedy, mami of two, used her MBA to launch her handcrafted handbag companyMonica wanted to stay home with her kids, but she also wanted to work. She used her degree in Business Administration to manage her home business. For a few years now, she’s been designing and selling handbags she handcrafts herself, at Tuffcooki. A creative go-getter with two small tots who make her day, every day. 
If you enjoy this blog follow me on Facebook or Twitter. Read my articles on Mamiverse.Diario del Éxito (Success Diaries) will be published in book form late in 2011 by ediciones Obelisco.To read about my books: www.lorrainecladish.com

12 Ekim 2012 Cuma

For those who don't know

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I often get get comments pointing out how depressing my blog is at times. I am quite certain that many find it to be a "downer" when perhaps they were looking for something uplifting. I thought maybe this would be a good time to bring to light the reason we have Chelsea in the first place, for those who don't already know. Perhaps knowing how we came to be Chelsea's guardians will explain why our experience is so different from those who are parenting a Down's child by choice. It is a rather long story, but I will summarize it.

On July 13, 1999, Chelsea's baby sister was murdered by her mother and step-father. After much emotional trauma, dealings with Child Protective Services, and two murder trials, my son was given custody of Chelsea by the courts. He was a newlywed at the time, and the combination of the murder itself and having a disabled child placed in their lives with little warning caused their marriage to disintegrate and they divorced. My son tried valiantly to care for Chelsea on his own, but amidst his grief over his murdered child and his divorce, did not cope well. Chelsea was not thriving and learning as she had been before his wife left. In order to protect Chelsea and give her some kind of chance in the world, my husband and I agreed to take her until he could get his life in order. It has been years now, and he still cannot seem to cope with her. I understand this, because I can barely do so myself.

I had only been married about a year when Chelsea came, having been happy and enjoying my life for the first time in years. Being middle-aged and suddenly have a disabled child to care for does not lend itself to happiness. I had always looked forward to that time in life when my boys were on their own and I could once again get to know myself as something other than someones caregiver. One event, on July 13, has had such a ripple effect in all of our lives, but I cannot let go of the thought that Bethanie's murder not only ripped a part of my heart out forever, it also cost me my happiness. If you really take the time to think of the emotional dynamic that takes place every day as a result of these events, you may have a better understanding of why my blog is not all about the wonders and joys of a Down Syndrome child. I will love protect Chelsea until my last breath, but I can't help but mourn the lost years of my life, just when I had started to enjoy them. For more information about Bethanie and her murderers, see my blog "Never Another Child" http://neveranotherchild.blogspot.com/ Thanks for reading.

Chelsea is 15 today!

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I can hardly believe she is 15 years old today. It seems like just yesterday that I held her in my arms just minutes after she was born. Time goes by so fast, and it doesn't seem to matter whether times are good or bad, they still fly past us at the speed of light. When I blink again, she will be 18, then 30. We are celebrating her birthday this coming weekend, it is the only time all the family can get together. I am looking forward to it, it is one of the rare times when no one cares if she smears food all over. Her dad has a fenced yard, so the kids will be able to play and fling cake to their hearts content. In spite of all the bad, I am so grateful that she was spared the night her sister was murdered. I wish all of this had turned out differently, no child should have to be raised by old folks..lol. She should be where she is right now, at her dad's, playing with her brother and sister, being a kid. Not with us; we have no friends with kids, no fenced yard for her, and we're too tired to do much after working all day. She will be at her dad's for three more weeks, then back with us in time for school to start. I will enjoy and make the most of the three weeks of freedom I have left, but I will also miss her every minute of it.

One more week of freedom

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School starts next Tuesday, so Chelsea will be back with us on Monday evening. I have such mixed feelings about it. Already I dread the loss of freedom. Back to begging someone to watch her so hubby and I can go somewhere together for a couple of hours. Back to the morning routine of getting ready for school; gone are the leisurely mornings filled with newspaper reading and coffee drinking. There will be no more uninterrupted conversations with my husband, no more sleeping in on the weekends, no more eating dinner at 9:00 pm just because we want to. But there is also a part of me that is excited to have her back. I miss her, plain and simple. If she's here, I know she's safe. This has been a wonderful few weeks' break for us, no doubt about it. It has given my husband and I a chance to reconnect, to remember who we were as a couple. I only hope we can hold on to that connection when Chelsea comes home again.

The break is over, even if she isn't home yet

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We have a few days left, but already I am preparing for school to start, getting her room cleaned, and having anxiety attacks about how I will schedule my doctors' appointments around her school schedule and the absence of anyone to babysit or get her from school if my appointments run over. I have appointments with specialists, and those can be all day events. I am worrying about how I will keep up with her laundry, because our dryer is irreparably broken and we can't afford a new one (or even a good used one). I worry about how I will take care of her if my family doctor's predictions of my final diagnosis come true. I think I am worrying too far ahead, yet I feel like I have to. They say that God never gives us more than we can handle, but I think that being 50 and taking care of a Downs child, being dirt poor, and having a possible diagnosis of MS (and no health insurance) hanging over my head is a bit much.

Chelsea's Homecoming

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Well, on Tuesday evening, Chelsea came home without much fanfare. My son dropped her off at around 7:30 pm and she had school the next day. She sat in her room watching a favorite movie for about an hour, and then asked me what time her dad was coming back. When I explained to her that she was back with us now, that her time with dad had been just a little vacation, she smiled and jumped under the covers. She was asleep in five minutes. I had no idea that he had not explained anything to her. She had not had a bath, and he didn't bring her clothes until 10:30 that night, clean but thrown unfolded in a box. Not my idea of preparing for the first day of school. That's just not how I live. I have everything ready the night before, baths over with, clothing laid out, etc. I like a nice, calm, organized morning. To make matters worse, I overslept the next morning, so it turned into a mad dash to get ready and get out the door. Chelsea took it all in stride, I, on the other hand, was a very unhappy camper.

11 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

Joyful day!

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What a joyful day we had yesterday!!!We were thrilled and sooooo happy, were rejoiced and excited!
Thank you so much for prayers for health of brother Misha, our pastor.He is not healthy completely but he feels much better.So, he is able to continue to serve our Heavenly Father.Well.We had baptism in our church!God blessed abundantly and we had wonderful weather and so much joy to see souls, who wish follow God`s commandment and to live for Him. The beauty of God's creation

 We are so happy for our precious souls Valya and Vova.
 We rejoice for Sergey(in white t-shirt).
 After the sermon of the God's word, singing of psalms and manual to those, who was going to be baptized,
 ...they could do it, answered to God, having testified their love and desire to follow the Lord Jesus.Praise the Lord!!!

For us BOM is special blessing to see those souls, which were in orphanages, are left their parents, lonely and suffer, which we visited and shared the love of our Lord Jesus and not just in orphanages. Just serve to orphans. Today they together with us also joined our Church. What a wonderful blessing!

 On the picture from the left to the right is Sergey, Valya, Vova and Kolya(he is not orphan).

...and sweet orphaned girl Nadya(she was not baptised).
 We are so thrilled for our new members of our church family!It`s such big blessing for us!!! Our hearts are full of joy and delight!Our Lord Jesus is AWESOME!!!!

We pray for the salvation other our beloved teenagers, who visit church ministries, and do not visit, who hear the Gospel and know how to be saved.Whom we love dearly and would love they became part of church of Christ. Please, will you pray with us? Thanks!!!

Love to all!

They are NOT homeless any more!!!

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Guess, what is the building and who will live in it? :)))
   I`m so glad to tell to you that we found the apartment for Sasha and Olya and they are any more the homeless! They will have a roof over the head, where they together as a family can live and create their sweet nest. They are saved from street life!!!What a great blessing! We are soooooo glad for them! Praise God!We are so excited that by your kindness and open hearts the three souls will be saved from street life! Thanks a LOT to ALL for involvement for your prayers and donations, sharing the links and other. We raised $920, certainly it is necessary even much more. But we could rent the apartment, to pay per two months (this rule) and to pay to agency. The owner of the apartment, is nice woman, that was important for us also.
So, please, continue to pray we can raise necessary funds what need to our precious souls, Sasha, Olya and darling Edick.
Ok. Let`s  I will conduct a small tour to you around the apartment.Hope you will enjoy :)
 When you enter into a building you can see these steps, on  which can lift on the floor necessary to you. There are nine. ...or you can use this lift, thank God, is operating. ;)  Sasha`s apartment is on five floor.
  It is an entrance to the apartment.  It is a small corridor of the apartment.At the left on a picture is white door, it is the small storeroom. The storeroom inside.On following picture is the happy owner of the apartment. :)
The entrance more to the left leads to the hall or the main room, the entrance is slightly more right, on kitchen. And is even more right, where white door, it is a bathroom.
The view of living room is on the other hand.
From the living room it is possible to quit on a balcony
  ...where there is such view from the left side ...and from the right side. It is great that nearby there is a market, where they can buy groceries and they shouldn't go far.This is gray not big building on the right with a yellow band. It is kitchen View from other sideThe bathroom Also there is a  playground for sweet Edik.
  View of  market(shop) from the main side.
 If you noticed, the apartment is without furniture. Sometimes it meets. We were going to orphanages these days, but our plans changed, because our dear souls, Olya and Sasha needs to be settled urgently there. Therefore we will need to find necessary furniture in the next few days.Please, pray for this too.These kids absolutely have NOTHING, so we need to buy a LOT of different things there.I will share with you of pictures with furniture also.Can not wait to do it! Thank you!Thank you!Thank you everyone for saving these dear teens!!!!!!!Thank you sweet Friends to giving them a chance to have a hope, future, trust, faith in Jesus.We are so grateful for love and mercy of Jesus Christ to these kids.God is so good!!!

P.S.I`m so and so and soooo sorry whom I did not reply yet on your emails.We are super busy here.And sometimes I absolutely have not time even to sleep well and enough...I read all emails and will answer as soon I can. Please, forgive me...Many thanks for understanding and patience!

Love and hugs to all!

Look, who arrived to this world!

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Look at this happy sweet face of beautiful mommy!

 Look at this lovely little angel, who arrived to this world the 22 of August at 5.10 am!Tears, tears of joy for these two our dear souls.Isn`t he precious? Dear beloved our Friends, we are sooooo grateful for ALL your prayers for our dear Valya!Oh, how I wish to give you personal thanks, if I could...We are so thankful to you, have been with her at this heavy and in same time happy day.
  Can you believe that I was in a delivery room together with Valya from the beginning to the end birth of her baby and the half day after birth? If someone told to me sometime or even several months ago that I will be present and help someone with childbirth. I NEVER, ever would believe in lives!!!Oh, NO, NO!It is NOT for me!
I am a person, which only at the sight of special lamps in an surgery room and different surgical tools, at the sight of blood,  to me become feel not well. I do not like much all kinds of medical things.Having especially had heard much and knowing many terrible stories at the time of delivery etc. But that day, the Lord gave me the perfect peace in heart, I believe thanks your prayers, sweet Friends! :)
Valya for day and night very much suffered and anguished with prenatal labor.We prayed together in delivery room, and I had read Bible to her that Jesus would comforted her heart.Ah, poor girl!
Finally today in the morning at 5.10 the precious Timothy  was born.Praise the Lord!
Is mommy and her sweet sonny are healthy and well?Not so well...
When Timothy was born, he was dark blue color, it frightened me and I asked what with the kid. Doctors only exchanged glances among themselves... Though process of childbirth was fast, in 10 minutes, but not so good... Poor Valya so suffered. :(Darling Timothy is 48 sm tall and  weight is 2.940 kilo.Our dear girl had premature birth...because of some infection.But Timothy is sweet, quiet, cute, precious, darling  and so loved!His mommy so loves him!Valya still can not believe that she is mother of her priceless kid. She is amazed by him!!! :)Here he is after 20 minutes of his birth.   After the delivery Valya had some difficulties, we prayed and begged Jesus that He would be mercy to our dear girl. Now she has a fever. I am not a physician, I do not know all subtleties. I do not know all consequences of the childbirth, what difficulties happen etc. The diagnosis of the kid still isn't known yet. But I will tell to you our dear Friends that the Lord gives me the perfect peace in my heart for our Valyusha(Valya) and her sonny. And I thank the Lord for it.I believe everything will be well.If the Lord let him to be born today not later, that is God`s plan. :)
Here our sweet boy after several hours his birth and he looked much better.When I looked at him(while Valya was resting) I thought and was amazed how GREAT our Lord Jesus.That He created and gave life to this sweet boy.It is so hard to understand how he was created.It is marvellous and awesome!Timothy is a miracle! "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them".(Psalm 139:14-16)KJV

I glorify the Lord for huge blessing which He showed to Valya. I was struck with kindness and care of all  doctors and nurse at the time of delivery. I am sure that the Lord made so that Valya would give birth, when there were these doctors. Because it is a big rarity today, to meet all doctors kind and caring. After the delivery, having learned that she is an orphan, she is alone and all her problems, it broke their hearts even more.
I came back home only for the second day. Though I didn't eat day and night and didn't sleep all night,(there was not place to rest somewhere.I had only my chair), helping Valya, I was tired not much. I believe and I know, that exactly the Lord gave to me physical strength and peace that I could be with our young mother and help her.
Thank you so much sweet Friends for all your prayers! I believe, we had all these blessings, thank your many prayers and mercy of the Lord Jesus to our dear Valya.Please, keep pray she will recover fast and for the health her darling sonny.I will keep update about them.

Thousands 'to miss out on university degree'

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I thought this was a strange BBC News headline:

BBC News article and headline

First, there are two orders of magnitude between "thousands" (headline) and "hundreds of thousands" (body copy). A quick play with Firebug suggests that "Hundreds of thousands 'to miss out on university degree'" would fit - just - as a headline, although I grant you that it's not particularly catchy.

Second, the story isn't that people will miss out on degrees - it's that they will miss out on university places altogether (although one tends to follow the other). To me, the headline as stands suggests that thousands of people currently at university will miss out on a degree. And while that's probably true, it's not reflective of the story.

What do you call it when... someone's visual identity is unknown?

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This query has been emailed into The Engine Room:

Is there a word which means that a person's visual identity is unknown? For example, the West End Whingers are often referred to as "anonymous" as people don't know what they look like. However, they are not anonymous as they really are called Phil and Andrew [the names given on the WEW website]. Is there a word for use in these circumstances?

Well, 'anonymous' comes from the Greek for 'nameless', whereas Phil and Andrew, I suppose, are faceless rather than nameless. However the OED defines faceless as "remote and impersonal", which isn't really what we're driving at. And whether it's true of the West End Whingers I wouldn't like to say!

Lots of other 'in-' or 'un-' words also spring to mind, such as 'incognito' or 'undisclosed', but none of them seem quite right. I imagine we're looking for another 'a-' word.

Any suggestions?