2 Ekim 2012 Salı

The meeting again

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Such a great joy!We had one more possibility to meet our kids in other orphanage and to conduct the Bible lesson. We are so excited and so glad that again met them and could say what tells the precious God's word.

It so warms heart and gives hope. This such blessing to know, when children wait for you. We couldn't visit this orphanage last Saturday(as we visit these kids usually). When we arrived this time, children were so glad, and asked why we didn't arrive last week. And as all the time hugs, kisses, hundreds questions.It`s such a perfect and great joy to see these sweet souls again.We missed them so very much!!!
We had good time with kiddies.At the beginning we congratulated who had birthdays, them was many this time.Oh, how they were glad of their gifts! Some children hid them to themselves closer to heart, others rejoicing, showed to the friends their gift. Some children so strongly wanted to receive a gift that invented their date of birth, if only to receive something.
When we sang the song, which they very much love, remembered what the last time and other earlier Bible stories learned, we could continue studying following according to the plan of history.All of us rejoice to "travel" according to the Bible, studying great heroes and what the Lord speaks in His word.
So, this time we had a story about the great prophet Elisha and about his many miracles, which our alive God created through him.
One of by miracle was, when the Syrian captain Neeman, he was healed having plunged in the Jordan river.(2 Kings 5)  As we had already printed Neeman's picture and laminated, (we made in advance) that wouldn't become wet in water. We drew leprosy by a felt-tip pen and when dipped into water, it was easily washed away. Children simply admired! "Look! Look! He already has no leprosy!" They love it! :)
Children VERY much love puzzles! To make it more fun, interesting and useful. We made big puzzles having printed with help of the printer and having stuck together sheets of paper among themselves. Then it covered with a scotch tape that could serve long and in other orphanages. We didn't laminate, because there is no such big a laminate and it costs a little expensively. Also picture would become very rigid. That would make problems at transportation. After all, all things to occupation with children, we carry with ourselves. Therefore for us it is important that would be not only it is colourful and interesting to children, but that we could carry it in public transport or in our mission van.
Who from children gave the right answer on a question on stories about Elisha, had the right to attach a puzzle piece to the overall picture. It was fun!
Then we studied the Bible verse."But without faith it is impossible to please him." (Hebrews 11:6)KJV
I like something unusual and interesting for children. Therefore having printed big picture and having painted by color pencils. We made a verse unusual. On clouds we pasted cotton wool, leaves of a palm tree, made of a foam and to a fiery chariot pasted a crape paper. It took certainly the whole day that to make. But children loved it! And for us this most important that they would like to study Bible verses, to hear stories by means of different interesting materials.And it`s blessing for us. :)

At the end we did a craft Elijah on chariot of fire with the Bible verse that children could remember history and the studied verse. All were very occupied. :) The room was full of children and it wasn't easy with discipline.But children were delighted with the craft! They were excited very much  and  with pleasure did it. Especially they were struck when the wheel and a chariot could move."Wow!" :) We attached it with the help of brads fastener.
I so excited and so thankful to a friend, who sent to us this Craft book, Bible Stories and Crafts(old and new testament). I LOVE them!Crafts are easy and just perfect for our kids.It helps a lot to save our time, when we prepare for Bible lessons and is such great blessing in many ways.

It was so sadly and heartbreaking know that 12 new children arrived to this orphanage in the first class(grade) and some new children in other classes. So painfully  to know that many children on summer vacations having been at home, were hungry and parents absolutely didn't care of them. The majority of children of this orphanage, the social orphans, which parents don't worry and absolutely of them don't care. Therefore children remain on the street hungry, dirty, start to tramp, to steal, that somehow self to support.
They feel lost  sad
 without hope
 and unloved...
 Please, pray God protect these children.Pray they love to hear the God`s word and Jesus change their hearts and lives.Pray, that they will understand, if parents abandon them, they have Heavenly Father, Who never leave and loves them more than they may think.
  "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up. " (Psalm 27:10)KJV

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