11 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

Look, who arrived to this world!

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Look at this happy sweet face of beautiful mommy!

 Look at this lovely little angel, who arrived to this world the 22 of August at 5.10 am!Tears, tears of joy for these two our dear souls.Isn`t he precious? Dear beloved our Friends, we are sooooo grateful for ALL your prayers for our dear Valya!Oh, how I wish to give you personal thanks, if I could...We are so thankful to you, have been with her at this heavy and in same time happy day.
  Can you believe that I was in a delivery room together with Valya from the beginning to the end birth of her baby and the half day after birth? If someone told to me sometime or even several months ago that I will be present and help someone with childbirth. I NEVER, ever would believe in lives!!!Oh, NO, NO!It is NOT for me!
I am a person, which only at the sight of special lamps in an surgery room and different surgical tools, at the sight of blood,  to me become feel not well. I do not like much all kinds of medical things.Having especially had heard much and knowing many terrible stories at the time of delivery etc. But that day, the Lord gave me the perfect peace in heart, I believe thanks your prayers, sweet Friends! :)
Valya for day and night very much suffered and anguished with prenatal labor.We prayed together in delivery room, and I had read Bible to her that Jesus would comforted her heart.Ah, poor girl!
Finally today in the morning at 5.10 the precious Timothy  was born.Praise the Lord!
Is mommy and her sweet sonny are healthy and well?Not so well...
When Timothy was born, he was dark blue color, it frightened me and I asked what with the kid. Doctors only exchanged glances among themselves... Though process of childbirth was fast, in 10 minutes, but not so good... Poor Valya so suffered. :(Darling Timothy is 48 sm tall and  weight is 2.940 kilo.Our dear girl had premature birth...because of some infection.But Timothy is sweet, quiet, cute, precious, darling  and so loved!His mommy so loves him!Valya still can not believe that she is mother of her priceless kid. She is amazed by him!!! :)Here he is after 20 minutes of his birth.   After the delivery Valya had some difficulties, we prayed and begged Jesus that He would be mercy to our dear girl. Now she has a fever. I am not a physician, I do not know all subtleties. I do not know all consequences of the childbirth, what difficulties happen etc. The diagnosis of the kid still isn't known yet. But I will tell to you our dear Friends that the Lord gives me the perfect peace in my heart for our Valyusha(Valya) and her sonny. And I thank the Lord for it.I believe everything will be well.If the Lord let him to be born today not later, that is God`s plan. :)
Here our sweet boy after several hours his birth and he looked much better.When I looked at him(while Valya was resting) I thought and was amazed how GREAT our Lord Jesus.That He created and gave life to this sweet boy.It is so hard to understand how he was created.It is marvellous and awesome!Timothy is a miracle! "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them".(Psalm 139:14-16)KJV

I glorify the Lord for huge blessing which He showed to Valya. I was struck with kindness and care of all  doctors and nurse at the time of delivery. I am sure that the Lord made so that Valya would give birth, when there were these doctors. Because it is a big rarity today, to meet all doctors kind and caring. After the delivery, having learned that she is an orphan, she is alone and all her problems, it broke their hearts even more.
I came back home only for the second day. Though I didn't eat day and night and didn't sleep all night,(there was not place to rest somewhere.I had only my chair), helping Valya, I was tired not much. I believe and I know, that exactly the Lord gave to me physical strength and peace that I could be with our young mother and help her.
Thank you so much sweet Friends for all your prayers! I believe, we had all these blessings, thank your many prayers and mercy of the Lord Jesus to our dear Valya.Please, keep pray she will recover fast and for the health her darling sonny.I will keep update about them.

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