We so excited and so glad to see new followers of the blog!Thank you! Hope you will enjoy our ministry for the Lord Jesus and it bring you joy, encouragement and many blessings. :)
We are so blessed had the opportunity to visit small our treasures this week.We had absolutely amazing and such wonderful day and visitation!God is so good to us!
When we only arrived girls started to run together from everywhere. There was a lot of joy, hugs, questions, kisses.Everyone was sooo glad!!! Because of a lack of time we had a meeting only with smaller children. The older girls were very upset that we couldn't hold a meeting with them. But nevertheless we all were glad of the meeting.
So, this time we told to our dear small friends Bible story about the tower of Babel. All of them sat so silently! It was amazing blessing for us!
But at the beginning we congratulated, who already had a Birthday. You would see their shining eyes, when they received gifts. How they rejoiced and admired! After all nobody doesn't congratulate them there and gifts doesn't give. For these children it is BIG pleasure, to receive this beautiful and cute blessing from Lord Jesus.Thank you, friends for sending these blessings to the orphans and to bring a joy in their lives!
After learned a Bible verse with our small ones...
This sweetheart wanted to make picture of her with her finished craft.Oh, you would see how she were excited to see her face on camera! :) It`s so and so funny!We love them so dearly.And we thank God for each possibility to have a time with them.
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