9 Ekim 2012 Salı

Joy in the heaven!

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Bible says:"I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance". (Luke15:7)KJV
We so rejoice and sooooo happy that one more sinner repented, that one more sheep is found!We praise God, that one more orphan wishes to follow Jesus and to live for Him!Yesterday Vova stood up in the end of church service and said he wants to be saved and receive Jesus Christ.He prayed.He became a Christian and he is not lost any more!What a joy, joy, joy and great blessing!!!! Halleluiah!!!
Vova was in one of orphanages that we visit regularly. He remembers all our trips, he especially liked puppet show. :) Also to him was especially remembered the last meeting with graduates a few years ago, where he heard about real stories how it is hard to live after a orphanage and Who can help them and change their life.

Vova's parents drank alcohol. Once, they wanted to drink again and without having money, they started to ask from Vova's grandmother. On what she refused to them. As a result in the face of small Vova his parents killed the grandmother. They got to prison and small boy in an orphanage … Since then, Vova never more saw the parents, he doesn't know where they, and also whether live they in general. Vova remembers everything that was and how there was this murder... While he was in a orphanage, and parents in prison, his house absolutely collapsed and today he has no place to live …

 Can you imagine fear, the tears, all horror and a stress of the little boy, drunk parents, quarrels, fights, blood, scare, murder of the grandmother, an orphanage, loneliness, the graduate of  orphanage, and now the street... It is simply awful WHAT he experienced and still to have to suffer, struggle and worry...It breaks our hearts.

Vova is very kind and diligent guy in performance. He is very hardworking and he with pleasure always does everything and asks, than he can be useful. He is modest and timid. Always with pleasure listens to the God's Word and likes to sing Christian psalms. But Vova has problems with health, problems with a back, an ulcer of a duodenal gut and a problem with feet. I don't know, what exactly because money for his inspection is necessary. Also he is a person with special needs... Because of the health he suffers and can't find work or often changes. On some works to him didn't pay the earned money. Therefore Vova is often hungry, is ill, can't buy necessary things, clothes. If he also works, works hungry till fatigue. 
Once, late at night, it was necessary to us, to go to other city, that to take away Vova home because he had no money to return back. He felt awkwardly, as he saw that we were very tired and sleepy(3.00am) But we explained to him, that the Christ made for him on much more, He suffered for him and gave His life on the cross that he would have eternal life. Therefore our fatigue, that it is nothing costs in comparison of what the Christ made for him. Having fed him, we explained, we love him and we can not leave at the night alone on the street.He left that work.
Vova survives. BOM helps him as can, with food, with footwear, clothes, but frequent we are unable.

 It would be such remarkable blessing, if someone or a family sponsored Vova monthly. That to help him with his daily needs, such as food, clothes, footwear, medications. Please, consider prayerfully this question. Probably, someone would wish to become a monthly sponsor and to help Vova?..How much you can...For any questions, please e-mail to bibleorphanministry@mail.ru Thanks.

The greatest problem for this nice guy is that today he IS ON THE SREET, he is the HOMELESS and he HAS NOT place to go... I will tell you more in the next blog posts. I have a LOT of things to tell you. 
Please, pray for Vova, for his spiritual growth, for his needs and for solutions of a question with housing. The help of Lord is necessary to us, all very much and very difficult...Oh, Lord Jesus, please, help us...

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