1 Ocak 2013 Salı

New Glasses Prescription

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Noah had an eye appointment today where they checked his prescription and it has actually gotten much better!  And Noah was very well behaved while the doctor checked out his eyes so it made it less stressful for us.

First he flashed a light in Noah's eyes and made him look certain directions, keep his head still and look certain directions and watched what his head and eyes did.  He said with and without his glasses, Noah will tilt his chin up to look straight.  When Noah is looking down, his eyes are almost perfectly straight, but when he looks up he crosses his eye and his one eye will shake (nystagmus).  At this point he said there will inevitably be surgery in Noah's future to the eye muscle.  He said they just had to first figure out if they need to correct the muscle that controls the nystagmus or the eye crossing.

Then they dilated his eyes and we had to wait until that took effect, about 1/2 hour so they could check his prescription.
Getting ready to see the doctor

The one question we get most often is how do they check babies eyes for glasses?  Basically they shine lights in his eyes and from the reflection off the eye they can tell the prescription.  The first part of Noah's appointment was to see what his eyes were doing and how they were reacting.  After the dilation, they check the actual prescription.

Such a good boy!
After they dilate his eyes the doctor puts round lenses in front of each eye and flashes a light through it into Noah's eye; just like they do when adults go to the eye doctor except we can say what we see.

Noah will not wear his glasses anymore and when the doctor first looked at him, he thought maybe it was because of the fit, but after they dilated his eyes he found out it is because his old prescription is too strong!  I can't quite remember how he worded it but Noah was four points (?? something) nearsighted and now he's only one point, which is great!  So that's why he probably keeps taking them off!

What's taking the doctor so long?
Furthermore he said, after seeing how well Noah is currently doing and with the correct prescription he thinks surgery will now not be needed!  The correct prescription should make his eye not cross which in turn will hopefully correct the nystagmus.

We recently bought new glasses for Noah.  I absolutely love them.  So directly after our appointment we went to the optician's office with our new frames and had his new prescription lenses ordered.  Those should be done in about a week.  I am going to do a whole post about frames soon because we have tried many and I feel we are close to the best kind for Noah.  Currently he has MiraFlex frames, which are durable but not adjustable.  We are now switching to Tomato Glasses, which seem great and will hopefully be a much better fit for Noah.  Yes, we did try Specs4Us, a brand specifically for children with Down syndrome but they just were not right for his face and they are wire.  (we also have Solo Bambini frames) More to come with comparisons between all the brands soon!

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