2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Noah's Brother

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Noah has a wonderful big brother, TJ, who loves him very much.  Everyone that knows TJ, knows Noah just because TJ talks about him so much!  He loves giving him hugs and kisses, says he misses him, tells us to clap for Noah if he does something good and has told us he's so proud of Noah.

Noah enjoys bath time with TJ
So how do you explain "Down syndrome" to a three year old?
At first it was easy, Noah was a baby and TJ had to be gentle when playing with him so we told TJ that Noah has Down syndrome and that means he's not as strong as other babies.  He took that answer but now TJ is asking why Noah isn't walking yet and why he isn't talking yet.  And Noah is strong, so I feel that answer won't suffice anymore.
Also, when I asked TJ what Down syndrome meant, his last answer was "he's not as smart as other babies."  Ugh.  I don't think he even knows what that means but we are very persistent with him that Noah is as smart as other babies and to never ever ever say that again.  
TJ is a very smart little boy.  So I decided to explain exactly what Down syndrome was; which is an extra copy of your 21st chromosome.  We explained we all have 46 chromosomes, except Noah who has 47.  He said that was a big word!  
So we further explained that Noah just doesn't grow as fast as other children.  He obviously understood that a lot better.  Although when asked why, I just explained God made Noah that way, to make him extra special.

I want to get TJ involved at an early age in events held by Down syndrome support groups and even Special Olympics.  I want TJ to grow up accepting everyone's different-abilities and stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.  
I think TJ will always look after Noah and take care of him. I don't want TJ to ever feel embarrassed because of any differences Noah may have but actually be proud of those differences.  Right now TJ does not notice any differences.  Even when playing with a five-year old boy that has Down syndrome that can't really talk yet, TJ had such a good time with him, he keeps asking us when he can come over to play!  
I think we are on the right track with TJ and I really look forward to getting him involved and seeing him grow into a strong, loving young man.  And his love for Noah just warms my heart!
Looking after Noah as he learns to walk

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