2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Working with Textures

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So I am continually working with Noah to try textures.  Stage 3 food is out.  So we are on to just plain food, chopped up, which I have to put back into his mouth by his molars.  He is actually getting much better at it!

Daycare reports he has eaten all kinds of things from broccoli (which I didn't really like) to pancakes to eggs to Spanish rice.  I have tried all those at home too.  And since Noah has a sweet tooth like myself, I decided to try homemade chocolate chip cookies.

The only food I have ever seen Noah pick up with his own hands and feed himself is chocolate pudding and chocolate cake.  So I was hoping cookies might do it too.  No such luck.  I did, however, take out the baked chocolate chips from the cookies and feed those to him and he really, really liked those!  He at all the chocolate chips out of the cookie!  (He also liked the cookie dough...shhhh!)

I like the cookie, but I refuse to pick it up

Mmmmmm chocolate!

I also tried broccoli again this weekend, which he again, did not like.  Tried raisins which Noah seems to throughly enjoy.  Also tried soft bites of pizza (just dough and some sauce) and he seemed to like that.  And finally macaroni and cheese (the Spiral kind-which are the best kind!) and he did really well with that too!  We are really making some breakthroughs!  Now if he would just pick up his own food!

This is the "I'm not picking up the food" hand position

Still working with the correct tongue movements
I don't think Noah tries to spit out his food (the food he likes), I think he just hasn't gotten that rotary motion with his tongue yet.  My OT tells me usually after they start walking, they start getting the correct tongue movement.  He really works his tongue but usually I have to push the food back in a couple times before it actually goes down!  But he's not gagging, and he seems to like the food for the most part!  Woo Hoo!

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