18 Kasım 2012 Pazar

He is free...

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 and any more doesn't suffer. He is set free from awful pains and sufferings. He is free from loneliness, distress and long days and years of agonies, because he is with Jesus...

Oh, dear friends, the precious Bogdan a few days ago has gone to Jesus on the Heaven. Now he is with Who created him and gave him life and loves more than we can think...Now he is in gentle and loving hands. Bogdan doesn't spill more bitter tears, but is consoled in presence of his Heavenly father. 
 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (Revelation 21:4)KJV
Our hearts are broken and overwhelmed, though we understand that the Heavenly home is much better than here, where there is so much sin, a grief, pain and tears. Simply painfully, very painfully to see when you lose someone... 
Thanks a lot for your prayers and support. Thanks to all, who uplifted hearted pleadings to Jesus for our sweet Bogdan. The Lord Jesus made his will in life of this poor and distressful soul...

Doctor of mental institution let us know they did everything they could... and took care of this sweet child but sometimes we are people and are so helpless...
That baby food that we brought and still there are, the doctor told that will give to other weakened children, who need special care and a food.
Thank you again for your love and care of this poor and precious kid!

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