14 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Visits of orphans

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Thank you!Thank you!Thank you for all your donations and prayers!God is so good!We raised all necessary sum $825 to help precious teenagers in their needs.We are so excited!We are so happy to bless them! Praise the Lord!!!
But here I would like to share with you about visits of orphans we had lately in different orphanages.It was so remarkable and amazing time with all children!We were very excited and enjoyed our spent time.God wonderfully blessed our visits!!!
In this orphanage we had a special program where we spoke about friendship.What the Bible speaks about friends, which we should be friends etc.And Jesus Christ is the best and remarkable friend!
We sang songs
We had fun

We had a Bible history about David and Jonathan's friendship.
 Then children had a possibility to learn to shoot from bow. As always was a lot of desirous :)

Also children received candies in the end of program.
At some of days, we had a Bible lesson about the prophet Jonah in the next orphanage.Children very much like this history!
Here we learned the new song about Jonah.
Aren`t they just cute? These two sweet cuties are sisters.The older one helps to her younger sister, who got to the orphanage this year at the first class. So, sad to see when if a child from an one family get to orphanage.Then the next sister/brother became older, get to same orphanage or into another one. And it worst because brothers and sisters can not see each other sometimes by years...or lose one other forever. :(The craft is whale with Jonah. Kids loved it very much and excited to make it!
 We got tired very much.And at the end of this day there was very beautiful sunset. And I simply could not that not to make a picture. ;)

Also the Lord gave the chance to us to visit these small sweeties and to share with them our joy and love.
They all were so much excited by received candies!
Also wanted just simple warm hugs...

One boy so loves our brother Misha and he was so glad of the meeting that presented to him this small gift, a piece of the paper.What the orphan can present deprived by everything and not having a personal things? It just melts your heart.But in this small piece of the paper, all his big heart, kindness and love. Children's simplicity and open heart to love and receive love...
Ok.I have to finish.So sorry.It`s very shortly because of a lack of time. Tomorrow we are going to next orphanage. To visit our beloved ones and share God`s love with them as well.Now is 3.00am almost.I need to rest ;)
Love to all!

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