20 Kasım 2012 Salı

More Teeth!

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Ok, so I did pretty good doing 31 for 21, I did miss 2 days but made up the one...and now I'm making up yesterdays! Oops!

Noah is all of the sudden getting more and more teeth!  It's like they all decide to come in at the same time!  He's getting his molars on the left side (already has them on the right) and his left middle bottom tooth (already has the right one).

And I can tell the poor guy is bothered by it.  His hands are in his mouth a lot more.  And he slept yesterday from 6:30 pm till 6:30 am! ...Don't get excited....he woke up around 1:00 for a feeding and some snuggle time.  But his teeth must really be bothering him if he slept for so long!

Still no pictures.  He barley lets me even look!  I will keep trying though!

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