21 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba


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White supremacist and nazi websites and forums are all ablaze today with fury over the "stifling of the rights" of their friends in Italy to spread Jew hating and racism free from any interference from the State.  Now, I am not much of a fan of THE STATE, but it doesn't bother me one bit when it, for whatever reason, cracks down on the likes of these bastards.

Sure, I like it more when they are subject to attacks directly from the streets, but hey, you take what you can get.  

In any event, what happened is this.  Italian police blocked access to the website of Stromfront Italia and arrested four people for "inciting racial hatred and spreading anti-Semitism.  Weapons, propaganda, and nazi nostalgia were seized as well.

The arrests took place in north and central Italy.

The Italian media also reported that lists of possible targets of violent attacks were found, including Roma (Gypsy) camps in northern Italy. 

What follows is a google translation of an article from Adnkronos.  You'll get the drift if you take the time....

Razzismo sul web, oscurato Stormfront.org Arrestati quattro promotori del forum

The promoters of the Stormfront forum were arrested this morning for the investigation, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Rome, Digos and the postal police that led to the complaint of another 17 people. Recipients of arrest warrants have been the initiator of the association and forum moderator www.stromfront.org/forum/f148, Daniel Scarpino, 24, resident of Milan, the other two current forum moderators Diego Masi, thirty of the province of Frosinone, and Luke Ciampaglia, 23 years old and resident in the province of Pescara, and finally a very active member in the association and the Forum, Mirko Viola, 42, a resident of the province of Como.

Investigators believe the four "covered the roles of promotion and direction of the association, as well as moderating the discussion forum on the web-accessible at www.stormfront.org/forum/f148." The searches performed against the suspects led to the seizure of a large amount of computer equipment, publications, posters and flyers, and other paper items glorifying racism, weapons and instruments to offend. On disposal of the competent judicial authority, we proceeded to obscuration of the web space www.stormfront.org.

The Postal and Communication Police Service and the Digos police headquarters in Rome, with the help of the compartments of the Postal Police and the Police Headquarters of several Italian cities, led to the conclusion articulated and complex investigations started in October 2011 and whose objective is the identification of leaders and affiliates to the virtual community headed by the Italian section of the forum accessible at the URL www.stormfront.org/forum/f148, which was highlighted on numerous occasions for the online dissemination of ideas based on 'racial hatred and incitement, always through the Internet, to carry out acts of discrimination.

The investigation, led by the deputy prosecutor at the Prosecutor's Office of Rome, Luca Tescaroli, and coordinated by the Attorney Pool Antiterrorism the Capital, which oversees the prosecutor Giancarlo Capaldo, allowed, it said in a note from the police headquarters, "to acquire concrete evidence against 21 Italian citizens, who were surveyed in relation to offenses under the Law of 13 October 1975 n. 654, for being associated with a shared ideology of the extreme right National vocation, to commit more crimes of diffusion on line of ideologies based on the superiority of the white race, racial and ethnic hatred and incitement to commit acts of discrimination and violence for racial and ethnic groups. "

"For four of the suspects under the substantial evidence obtained by investigators of the State Police allowed the investigating judge at the Court of Rome Stefano April, at the request of the prosecutor Tescaroli, to issue an order of application of the precautionary measure of custody in prison, executed in the early morning hours of today. " 17 other Italian citizens living in different parts of the country, have been reported since identified as affiliated to the same association and burdened by evidence in relation to conduct of dissemination of racist ideologies and support, including those of economic activities of the association criminal.

During the operation of the judicial police raids were carried out against all the defendants, which made it possible to seize a large amount of computer equipment and storage media (which will be analyzed in the next few days), documents, publications and flyers printed and other objects, all inspired by or in any way related to racist ideologies. Were also seized bladed weapons and objects likely to offend.
The forum in Italian on this web www.stormfront.org had long been known to the investigating authorities, the statement of the police, as an object of constant monitoring, both in relation to reports received from private citizens, including through the portal the police station online, and by organizations that deal with the phenomenon of racism, such as, for example, the National Bureau against Racial Discrimination (UNAR) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and in relation to specific complaints from citizens in relation to the publication on online content is discriminatory, racist, defamatory and glorifying racial violence.

In particular, it was highlighted publications movies that bring back the blame for the global economic crisis to a Jewish conspiracy'' and'' video content Holocaust denier, outrageous and defamatory comments against persons of Jewish religion and even a ' 'List of Italian Jews'' containing a list of personalities of which are urged against discrimination because of the Jewish religion.

In December 2011, on the forum under investigation, was published a discussion entitled'' Italian'' offenders list containing a list of characters that would help Italian immigrants making unspecified'' criminal'' and'' profiting economic''. In this list had included many public figures, including the archbishop of Turin Caesar Nosiglia, the president of Rome's Jewish community, Riccardo Pacifici, journalists Gad Lerner and Maurizio Costanzo, the prosecutor of the Prosecutor of Turin Laura Longo, the judges of the Court of Review of Palermo Antonella Consiglio, Giuseppina Di Maida and Philip Serio, the Mayor of Padua Flavio Zanon, and others. In the list the names of House Speaker Gianfranco Fini, the Minister for Economic Cooperation and Integration Andrea Riccardi and the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno.

Identification of the Italian section of the forum moderators and users www.stormfront.org more'' active'' association was reached only after a preliminary articulated investigations carried out by the technical staff of the police post, is hampered the techniques of anonymity on the Net adopted by these people and by the fact that the web space www.stormfront.org, which the Italian association referred to the ideological profiles and for the technical management of the national forum, came to the United States of America , whose current legislation, in principle, does not guarantee reciprocity of treatment in sanctions and, therefore, made vain preliminary activities under the international judicial cooperation.

In this context, then, investigators have had to implement strategies targeted web monitoring and careful analysis of the content published on other web spaces, or in the forum related to areas of ideological positions related to racist and xenophobic highlighted by the suspects.

"They were in a planning stage and would probably attacked camps and other targets of interest to people with this mindset or ideology," said Fulvio Quaestor of Rome Della Rocca.

"We must not be complacent but to continue to fight in no uncertain terms the perpetrators of these acts of violence perpetrated through websites,'' said Interior Minister Annamaria Cancellieri, who expressed" its appreciation "for the task led to obscuration of the site Stormfront, and the arrest of its promoters, and expressed solidarity with the President Fini, the minister Riccardi and other personality victims of unacceptable anti-Semitic insults disseminated on the web.

The MP Fli Alessandro Ruben, who is also president of the Italian section of the Anti Defamation League, himself a victim several times in the past of the users of the site post that incites racial hatred,'' expressed the deepest appreciation to the Police Postal and Digos.'' '' A special thanks goes to the police chief, Antonio Manganelli, the anti-terrorism directed by Giancarlo Capaldo, the public prosecutor and the investigating judge Tescaroli Luca Stefano April "Ruben said in a note.

"In a time when the anti-Semitic regurgitation is so strong in Europe - said Ruben - attention to the protection of the rights and the fight against all forms of discrimination is a priority on the Net This is the results of operations as that of today represent an important step forward in building a society based on coexistence.''

And "applaud the work of the police in Rome that the Digos and the postal police conducted a raid unprecedented Italian and European territory'' also came from the president of the Jewish Community of Rome, Riccardo Pacifici - E 'signal strong not only against the perpetrators of this shameful site but also to others who emulate their ideologies.''

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