But here I would like to tell you about a lovely meeting that we had last week with children.We so rejoice of each meeting and possibility to tell to orphans about the Lord, about His love, about great Bible heroes and wonderful miracles that are described in the Bible, in this amazing book.
This time we had a possibility to tell to precious orphans the Bible story about the prophet Jonah. About that as he tried to run away and hide from the Lord and what as a result turned out.
After we recalled last stories by means of pictures (they made it perfectly), we studied with our dear ones the song about Jonah with gestures.
I think it was a good preparatory part to the main. Then after telling the story and animated cartoon viewing, we played game to reinforce knowledges.
They very much liked to fish! Each fish was numbered. Which fish they will catch, on that question and responded.
Jonah didn't obey of God in the beginning and escaped from Him as many of you know this wonderful story. Therefore God wants that we showed the love to Him obedience and execution of His commandments or judgements.Children know, if you love God, you shall to conform his commandments . :)
After that we repeated with them song already learned in the beginning and continued the second part of the craft.
Here it was necessary for our kiddies the Jonah that they scissor out before, to place in the middle folded double a tracing-paper and to splice edges. Then to scissor out two parts of a whale from construction paper (we printed before), to place Jonah in belly of the whale and the edge to splice among themselves.
They loved very much this carfts!!!
Also on the craft, there was verse that we learned.
Do you know that orphans lay down the crafts under pillows and to sleep with it??? They know that it belongs to them and that is why they enjoy projects.
At the end of meeting we congratulated those who had Birthday, having reminded that the Lord remembers them special day even if all forgot about it. Oh, how they were glad and excited! You would see their shining and happy eyes!
Precious kiddies that only started come to our meetings couldn't to believe that this gift belongs to them and they can enjoy it. "Really? Is it right? I can leave it to myself?" It was necessary to convince long of that, it is gift from Lord Jesus and from this day belongs to them. I think that some of them for the first time in life received these gifts... "Yes! It`s amazing! Yay! I have a gift!" They cried out with delight.
"Wow!That is so beautiful car!"
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