10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Bless Orphans by Winter Coats.

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Well. Dear friends. We begin our new project, Bless Orphans by Winter Coats. We were going to carry out this project more than a month ago. But sometimes there are unforeseen situations and it is necessary to change or postpone everything. Therefore this project VERY urgent also!!! Because the cold season already began and time is VERY short.
 Orphan`s coats are very worn, have holes, broken zippers what cannot be fixed and coats are in an awful condition.  Very often the child wears a coat for many years, when a child grown, the same coat pass on to other child, who wear it for several more years... So one coat or a jacket can wear 2-3 children many and many years. As a result it becomes unfit for use, doesn't make warm and children very much freeze.

Our desire, that children would feel comfortably and warmly. Our prayers to God, that children would see that the Lord loves and greatly cares of them. 
Winters in Ukraine are very cold, especially when air is humid or damp.Even not strongly low air temperature to become simply intolerable. The winter for many Ukrainians it is simply catastrophe and to become every year serious test and a cause of life and death. Last winter over hundreds Ukrainians froze from cold and an awful frost. From Wikipedia for last winter in 2012.We beg God that orphans wouldn't feel cold as last winter, and felt God's warm and presence through blessing having warm clothes. If we could, we would blessed ALL orphans with a warm coat or a jacket and winter boots...

Our purpose to raise $3090 that to bless 60 girls with special needs in mental institutions.

This picture was taken 3 years ago.Caretakers asked us to help these sweet kids to get the warm jackets.We were not able to help them...And no one did not help them still...I believe their coats became worst for these several years.So, our wish to help them with God`s help, this year.It would be such a great joy and excitement, if they could to receive new winter jackets.
Please, can you help us to help 60 orphaned girls with special needs to receive winter jackets?God made so many miracles.We pray and very hope to help our dear ones to stay and feel warm at this future winter. Please, can you help us to bless these precious ones, as poor teenagers several days before?
 It`s VERY urgently, Friends!Time is VERY short!The earlier we will raise necessary means, the earlier we can bless dear children...

We would be so grateful, if you tell others about this big need. Everywhere, where only it is possible. Please, pray God help these all kids. Thank you VERY MUCH everyone, for all your efforts to help, many prayers, love and greatly care.God is good and His love is astonishing!So, our hope and trust only Lord Jesus.

If the God prompts your heart and gives you a wish to donate.Please, use the blue chip-in on the right side of our blog. Every little bit a help is a great blessing for us!God bless you!

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